Monday, July 16, 2007

big one's b-day

today is my oldest dtr's 25th b-day,
which means i've been a father for half my life now
(more or less).

she showed up on a thursday
i was in korea and didn't find out about her arrival
until the following monday.

i ran all the way across the base
to get to the red cross office
and read the notice that mother 'n' baby were fine.

i came home on leave when she was six months old
and she slept 10 hrs a night for the 10 days i was home
(something she'd never done before and hasn't done since).

got home for good when just shy of her first b-day
and held her up so she could see the moon.
she walked three weeks later.


Blogger andrew m. said...

nicely said.

am just getting to experience these things firsthand - and it's the best thing ever.

like the wife said to me, bathed in sweat and through radiantly exhausted eyes on the day she was born: "nothing else matters, does it?"


10:01 AM  

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